Best for:
libraries, community centres, museums, schools, kindergartens, nurseries, etc.
net per month
Subscription for 12 months
paid in advance
Click at your convenience and get started in 3 minutes.
translation into PJM - [Polish Sign Language]
Connections support for one website
Connections support for 1 location
Limit of up to 25 connections per year
dedicated page without a logotype in the web application
support for connections from any device - computer, smartphone, tablet
availability of interpreters: Mon-Fri. / 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
A sticker with information about the service
general training within the scope of providing customer service for deaf clients (video)
Best for:
town halls and municipality offices, district offices [starostwa], hospitals, budgetary units, etc.
net per month
Choice of a monthly or annual subscription
Service activation even within 24 hours from signing the contract.
translation into Polish and Ukrainian Sign Language
support of connections for one website
support of connections for up to 10 locations
unlimited number of connections
dedicated page with logotype in the web application
Support for connections from any device - computer, smartphone, tablet
availability of interpreters: Mon-Sun. / 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
2 stickers with information about the service per location
The contract may be concluded for any period
First location PLN 299, each subsequent location PLN 149
Implementation of the Migam Interpreter service
net / set-up fee
Service launch (individual link to connections)
Implementation assistance and tests
Dedicated training for employees regarding service operation (video)
Best for:
universities, banks, insurance companies, retail chains, medical hotlines, R&D projects, etc.
net per month
Monthly, quarterly or annual subscription plan
Service activation even within 24 hours from signing the contract.
translation into Polish and Ukrainian Sign Language
support of connections for many sites
support of connections for unlimited locations
unlimited number of connections
dedicated page with logotype in the web application with geo-localisation
Support for connections from any device - computer, smartphone, tablet
availability of interpreters: 24 hours / 365 days a year
2 stickers with information about the service per location
any duration of the contract
joint marketing activities, consultancy services e.g. for the preparation of grant and competition applications
Implementation of the Migam Interpreter service
net / set-up fee
Service launch (individual link to connections)
Implementation assistance and tests
Dedicated training for employees regarding service operation (video or online training)
Widget for the website for establishing connections with the Migam Interpreter and to provide support for other customer-related processes
Additional services
net PLN 1970
net PLN 2970 zł
They trust us


2014 / For the project "Fighting against digital exclusion"

2013 / Market leader and one of the best Polish companies with global potential

Migam, as an innovation for cities recommended by PFR

II summer educational program on the London Stock Exchange

2019 / Production of the film "Znaki"

II summer educational program on the London Stock Exchange

2020 / Innovations and technologies

2nd place on the list of the most creative business people by "Brief" magazine

2014 / 1st prize VIRGIN Academy Awards

The winner of the Polish edition

The best app

Best Mobile Application
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Good practices regarding the placement of the icon can be found in the following two-minute video

What to do when a Deaf person comes in?
Who is subject to the Accessibility Provision Act? Article 3 of the Act dated July 19, 2019, on Providing Accessibility to Persons with Special Needs (hereinafter abbreviated to Dz. U. [Journal of Laws]) stipulates to which public entities it applies. Presented below is the list of entities subject to the Act. It is by no means a complete and closed list – whether a given entity is subject to the Act must be thoroughly analysed in the context of the entire Article 3 of the Act.
List of entities:
- Internal Security Agency
- Military Property Agency
- ….
- Public libraries
- Community centres
- Public schools
- Public higher education institutions
- Courts
- Marshal Offices
- Town/City Halls
- Municipal offices
- District authorities (Starostwa Powiatowe)
- Public museums
- Public art galleries
- Governors and other government administration bodies (combined and non-combined) acting in their name or on their behalf
- ….
- Nurseries