
Certificate of accessibility – a document aimed at businesses and NGOs interested in confirming that their activities, meet the requirements set out in the Law on Ensuring Accessibility to Persons with Special Needs. This includes architectural, digital and information and communication accessibility. In order to obtain such assurance, the entity concerned must first undergo an accessibility audit, which can only be conducted by authorized entities.

Accessibility certification includes:

  • conducting an accessibility audit;
  • making specific recommendations to the entity in question for improving the provision of accessibility to people with special needs;
  • issuance of an accessibility certificate.


Entrepreneurs or NGOs wishing to take advantage of the certification should:

  1. select one of the entities from the list available on the website of the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy at https://www.funduszeeuropejskie.gov.pl/media/108802/Wykazpodmiotowdokonujacychcertyfikacjidostepnosci.pdf (it is particularly worth paying attention to the consortium listed on item 22)
  2. apply to the selected entity for a certificate
  3. agree on the content and scope of the agreement with the selected entity from the list, including the amount of the certification fee
  4. conclude an agreement with the selected entity, pay the certification fee set in the agreement
  5. undergo an accessibility audit conducted by the contracted entity.

The certificate obtained at the end of the whole process will be an important signal to the growing group of clients with special needs, proving that the entrepreneur or NGO is able to provide services to them or give them the opportunity to be employed in their structures.

Possession of the certificate also entitles the entrepreneur or NGO to a 5% reduction in contributions paid by the entrepreneur or NGO to the PFRON (State Fund for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities).

The certification procedure is described in detail in Chapter 3 (Articles 15 – 28) of the Law of July 19, 2019 on Ensuring Accessibility for Persons with Special Needs.