Accessibility Plus

The government Accessibility Plus programme aims to provide free access to goods, services, and opportunities to people with special needs and to facilitate their participation in social and public life.

Accessibility should be visible and noticeable wherever possible in particular, however, in places where public services are rendered such as:

Public administration institutions

Government offices, ministries, government agencies

Financial institutions

Banks, insurance companies, brokerage houses

Educational institutions

Schools, universities, kindergartens, nurseries

Cultural institutions

Cinemas, galleries, museums, theatres, concert halls, opera houses

Healthcare institutions

Hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation centres


Companies, factories, production plants

Means of transport

Trams, buses, trains, pavements, pedestrian crossings


Since 2011, MIGAM has been working on breaking down barriers the Deaf and hard-of-hearing people have to face when dealing with companies and institutions. It is estimated that as many as 70 percent of Deaf people have difficulty reading and understanding written text.

Accessibility Plus was introduced to fulfil the special communication needs of Deaf people, with the help of modern technology, which allows for fast contact with an interpreter. This is why Migam provides remote access to the Polish Sign Language interpreters. Customers using provide full support for the implementation of the Government Accessibility Plus Programme. Thanks to Migam – a Deaf or a hard-of-hearing person can contact a customer service point anywhere in Poland within seconds. Our OMMI system uses geo-localisation and allows for much more than just a connection with an interpreter. It gives you the opportunity to present your company’s or institution’s offer, and for customers to conveniently handle their matters remotely. It is an excellent video contact centre class tool.

MMigam provides comprehensive services for entities subject to the obligations arising from the Accessibility Plus Programme, in particular concerning:

Our solutions received much recognition and MIGAM received awards in numerous competitions.

For our solutions, Przemek Kuśmierek, the President of Migam was awarded the prestigious Digital Shapers award by the Digital Poland Foundation. The award was granted for the digital support of people with disabilities. Migam makes it possible for them to use banking services - e.g. by innovatively translating the content of bank documentation into the Polish sign language. There were more than 300 candidates this year for the award, and among the 15 awarded nominees in addition to the president of Migam were Anna Streżyńska, Rafał Brzoska, and Robert Lewandowski or Zygmunt Solorz to name a few. One of the members of the MIGAM Group is the Barrier-Free Workspace Agency [Agencja Praca Bez Barier], which specialises in recruiting people with disabilities
We draw on a wealth of experience in working with over 140 companies and institutions. There are already more than 5,000 places in Poland that guarantee access to the MIGAM Interpreter online, and an increasing number of entities use our Migam OMMI system for other purposes related to providing remote services to their customers.
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